Make the best of the trip you have been planning for days. There’s a lot of uncertainty when traveling abroad. What to pack, what to do, what to see, how to get around, the language barrier, and exchange of currency. You can prevent anxiety and acidity with some user-friendly travel apps that works amazingly offline. Following are top five apps to design an itinerary to suit your personality and what you would like to do.
The most boring part of a trip or holiday is packing. That’s where PackPoint comes in. It is an app that tells you what you need to pack based on your interest, weather, and activities. It also suggest general items you need to carry. This list of items can also be shared with your friends, if they need help.
User Rating: 4.5 Download PackPoint
Google Trips
Don’t fold for tourist maps, get user approved places to visit, things to do, and restaurants to eat at, with Google Apps. You have your flight, hotel, rental car, and restaurant bookings in one place. You can plan your day based on your interest and check out nearby attractions. The app also presents reviews and ratings, and provides explanations of certain attractions. Yes, it works great offline too
Google Translate
Language is the key to understand and experience a new culture. A lot can be lost if there is a language barrier. Google translate is a great way to bridge the gap. You can save phrases that you would use regularly such as thank you, please, good morning, how much, sorry, etc. It offers three ways to translate – via picture of the text, you can write it or speak it out. It is a simple app that offers languages from numerous countries.
User Rating: 4.4 Download Google Translate
How do you get around in a new city, new country? Get citymapper; it is your one-stop public transport app. It lists the various modes of transport, ride-sharing services, timings, and the quickest way to reach your destination. The beauty of the app is that when you subscribe to a particular bus or train line it notifies you when to get off. It is great if are new to a country.
User Rating: 4.5 Download Citymapper
Money talks and it’s important to exchange the right amount and make the best of the currency rate. The Currency app is one of the best converter that also provide up-to-date exchange rates for over 150 currencies and countries.
User Rating: 4.1 Download Currency