A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a VAT Refund at the Airport
Are you someone who loves shopping? Do you love grabbing souvenirs for your loved ones while you are traveling? Then I have some good news for you! You can now get the tax money back and hence save a ton of money that you spent on shopping just by filling out a single form. Actually, there is a bit more to that process, but the essence remains the same. Sounds interesting? Then keep reading this blog, as it is a step-by-step guide to getting a VAT refund at the airport.
What Exactly is VAT?
VAT expands to Value Added Tax and is something that is levied for goods and services at each singular stage of their production and distribution. For normal sales tax, the tax is levied only during the final stage, but for VAT, the tax is calculated for each stage in the production and distribution chain where value is added to the products. It is a form of consumption tax that customers have to pay for the goods and services they purchase. So, what is a VAT refund? Let me explain.
When tourists purchase goods such as souvenirs from countries they visit, the tourists are eligible for a VAT refund. This means that for every tangible good that is purchased by tourists, which they are to take back to their home country, the VAT levied for that particular product can be refunded. One thing to remember is that not all products might be eligible for a VAT refund. Only the ones that you are to definitely take back to your home country, like clothing and electronics, have this amenity. It is an excellent way for countries to promote their tourism through VAT refunds as it promotes more shopping as well.
Things To Remember Before You Go About Claiming VAT
You can get your VAT refund process done at the airport. The details of the same and a thorough guide is available in the next section of the blog. But before we get into that, here are a few things to keep in mind before you go to avail your VAT refunds:
- There is a minimum purchase amount present, which you have to shop for if you want to get a VAT refund.
- For every country, there is a specific time limit within which you have to claim your VAT refunds. It is around 3 months in most countries.
- You have to keep in mind that VAR is calculated not as a cumulative of all purchases you have made but as individual purchases you have made at each shop. So, to make the most of the refunds, it is better to shop from a single retailer.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a VAT Refund at the Airport
Now that you have a good understanding of what VAT is and the things to keep in mind before going for the VAT refund let us now understand how to actually get a VAT refund at the airport:
Step 1: Do your shopping judiciously
As I said before, not all products are eligible for a VAT refund. Only the products that you are sure to take back to your country are considered eligible for the process. So you have to do your shopping carefully to make use of this offer. Choose products such as clothing, electronics, and souvenirs, some under the category of tangible products to take back home. Also, make sure to compare the shipping cost of these products with the VAR refund you will get for them. If there is a good amount you can save as a difference here, it would be great. Again, make sure not to use the products you are getting a VAT refund for before you leave the country as well.
Step 2: Make sure to keep the receipts handy
Once you are done with the purchase, ask the shopkeeper to give you the receipts for the products. Apart from the VAT form, having the right receipts is necessary and is considered an important document in the process. Before you get into the shopping process, also make sure to ask the shopkeeper whether VAT refunds are accessible for the products in their shop. Having te right number of receipts in place makes the verification process more easy when you reach the customs.
Step 3: Fill in the VAT refund form
After you are done with the shopping and have collected the receipt for all the products, ask the shopkeeper for the VAT refund form. This is the form that you have to show at the customs and VAT refund desk at the airport to get your refund. Make sure that you fill in the details carefully without error. Information like your contact details and whereabouts have to be filled in carefully. You should also carry your passport along with you while you go shopping as information related to it might also be asked in the form.
Step 4: Visit the customs officers at the airport
Once you are all set to leave the country and go home, in order to get your VAT refunds, the first place you have to go is to the customs officers at the airport. Here, you have to carry all the necessary documents, such as your passport, all the receipts of all the things purchased (which are eligible for VAT refunds), and the VAT refund form as well. Make sure that all the affairs are in order and that there is no scope for any sort of confusion. If you forget to bring in any necessary documents or if any mix up occurs, the process can take longer than necessary. So just to be on the safe side, reach the airport early.
Step 5: Inspection of the goods purchased
Once you reach the customs officers and present all the necessary documents, the officers begin examining all your products one by one. They are matched against the receipt and are explained to make sue that they are to be taken to another country. Things like food and drinks will not be eligible for VAT refunds. And as I mentioned before, do not use the products beforehand. For example, if you bought a pair of shoes and are applying for a VAT refund, but at the same time, you are wearing the very same shoes, there is a very high chance that you might not get a refund for it.
Step 6: Get your stamp of approval
The most important part of the VAT refund process is getting the stamp of approval from the customs officers. Once your products are all checked by the customs officers and the documents are verified, the officers stamp your VAT refund form, This is what is known as the stamp of approval.
Step 7: Now go to the refund desk
Once you get the stamp of approval on your VAT refund form, you can take it to the VAT refund desk present at the airport. They will once again verify everything and once all this is done, you can start with getting your refund.
Step 8: Choose your refund method
You can choose your refund method at the VAT refund desk once everything is approved. You can collect the refund in the form of cash or cheque, or it can be credited back to your account or card as per your preference.
Step 9: You might have to pay a processing fee
The refund process gets completed here, but sometimes, actually most of the time, you will have to pay a processing fee to the VAT refund desk. Once that is done, you are actually done! You can now go to the airport and get your boarding pass with the satisfaction and peace of mind that your VAT refund has been processed successfully.
Keep Your Documents Ready!
VAT refunds can be extremely beneficial for tourists who love to go shopping and make the most of it by getting as many refunds as possible. Even though the process can be a bit time-consuming, it’s totally worth it because you get back some of the money you spent! And do you know what the best part is? You can actually take the easy way out of the procedure by choosing an efficient travel assistance company like AirportAssist.com to help you with the process. With us by your side, you don't have to worry about the procedures and getting things wrong because AirportAssist.com will fastrack the procedures and hold your hand through every stage of the process!