8 ways Airport Travel might change in a post Covid-19 era
Tired of being at home all day? The good news is you would be able to travel very soon again but the same comes with a set of rules. The world is gearing up for a post-covid 19 life & your airport experience would be no different. Yours & your co-passengers safety would take precedence and this would mean additional responsibilities both from Airports & passengers end.
Here are 8 ways that Airport Travel might change once the world opens for business
- Get ready for reporting earlier at the Airport
Keeping a safe distance from co-passengers at security checks & airports operating at less workers capacity could result in longer queue hours. As a measure to ensure the flights take off on time, your carrier might request you to report early for check-in as gates may close much earlier than the stipulated 45 minutes. In case you want to completely avoid the checkin queue, you can book a service for Airport Assistance on www.murgencyairportassistance.com
- Masks & gloves may become the new norm
Airport travel may require you to wear masks & gloves all the time. More so for children & elderly travellers. Keep them handy on your next travel or else you might end up paying a premium for buying them at the Airport. Keep watching this space to keep yourself updated with the hygiene measures introduced by the authorities from time to time.
- Digital payments might be preferred over cash
In order to reduce the risk of infections, many airports might shift to cashless payments to avoid exchanges between airport personnel & passengers. It would be advisable to keep your cards handy & wallets recharged for your next travel.
- Cleaner Airports
Airports have been instructed to sanitize the entire surroundings more frequently to make it safer for passengers. This would include your shopping centres, restaurants, lounges apart fom your checkin, security check & waiting areas.
- New on-board experience
To maintain social distancing during the flight, airlines might decide to keep the middle seat empty so get ready to miss the fights for the arm rest. Also, to reduce the interaction between crew & passengers, the in-flight meals may be discontinued but beverages such as water will be continued to serve on-board.
- Temperature checks & disinfectant chambers
Airports will give health & safety the utmost priority & this would mean temperature checks at departures & arrivals. Also, you may need to walk through a disinfectant chamber to neutralize the germs on you. The Airports are also setting up quarantine chambers in case the authorities doubt your health is not a 100%. At this stage, we would advise you to stay home in case you feeling a bit under the weather & not take temporary medicines to dodge the authorities. Remember, things can return to normalcy at the earliest when we as the citizens follow the rules earnestly.
- Liquid carrying capacity might be increased
No, you would not be able to shop more from duty-free shops. The new rules would be applicable to sanitizers & hygiene products which passengers can carry in-flight to maintain personal hygiene. So breathe a sigh of relief as frequent in-flight cleaning & self cleansing methods are going to make your travel safer like never before.
- Say Hello to Automation
Airports & airlines have been using & developing technology to reduce human interaction & this has become more important in today’s times. Web-checkin, Self-checkin, automated baggage sanitization & other features will be introduced to reduce human interaction & ensure that your journey between your origin & destination is met with minimal human intervention.
So here was a list of things that might change in the world post c0vid-19. Let us know if we have missed out on any points in the comments section. In case you are looking for a particular service during your layover or any service related to arrivals or departure, feel free to get in touch with us.
How To Book Airport Assistance:
Service Booking Form: https://www.murgencyairportassistance.com/service
Email Us: MUAirportAssist@MUrgency.com
WhatsApp: +1 650 308 9964
Call: +971 50 462 7611
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